Saturday, March 5, 2016

Web sites to help guide you

Here are a few websites to check out about holoprosencephaly. Hope you enjoy!
This gives the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and testing that can be done for holoprosencephaly.  Genetic counseling, management, range of findings of the four different types and the clinical manifestations.

This is from Austin, Texas that gives the genetic basis about holoprosencephaly, the embryology, and the demographic and reproductive factors. It also talks the prevalence in the United States.

This site talks about the SHH gene. What the gene is and how it affects the development of the fetus. It also gives information on where to find more information about this particular gene or other general information about genes.

Gives a quick summary about holoprosencephaly. It also gives information about other resources that may be used, for instance, it gives the phone number and address for the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center

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