Saturday, February 27, 2016

Treatment for holoprosencephaly

The treatment plan for holoprosencephaly would either be to terminate the pregnancy or to carry out the pregnancy with hopes that the child is one of the one percenters that do survive. Below are a couple of videos with the different choices.

This video shows this precious baby that did not survive, but the family did a photo shoot to honor her.
This story is a beautiful story of the struggles of this family going through this hard time. Thomas had lived for a few days after birth.This family did get pregnant again and had a beautiful baby girl that did not have holoprosencephaly.

The President of Families for HoPE explains how she came to develop Families for HoPE and provide conferences for other families to connect with each other.

I hope you enjoyed these videos and were able to have a grasp of the different severity of holoprosencephaly.

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