Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Support Groups...

Families for HoPE is a non profit organization that addresses the needs of families and children with holoprosencecphaly and related malformations of the brain. They provide support for all stages of holoprosencephaly. They have a yearly conference that everyone can come and meet each other and know that they are not the only ones. Here is the link to their support group:

The National Organization for Rare Disease website provides tools and resources for the families. There is a patient assistance program that can help with medications and other needs for them. They also provide workshops throughout the year for families and caregivers amongst other services.

This is a Yahoo group that provides support for holoprosencephaly. It is a restricted group and needs membership approval. Families for HoPE is part of this group.

This group is also from Yahoo group and it's a loss support of holoprosencephaly. Again, it is a restricted group and needs membership approval.

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